Semi-solid media picking module

Targeted isolation of cell colonies and 3D clones out of semi-solid media
The semi-solid media module was specifically developed for the isolation of bacteria and cell colonies as well as 3D clones from semi-solid and solid media (e.g. methylcellulose, matrigel, agar).
The module uses specific disposable plastic tips. Depending on the dimension of the colonies to be picked the user can choose between two different sizes: 500 and 1200 µm. The tips are available in boxes of 96 pieces each and are placed directly in their rack on the CellCelector™ . For each picking process new tips are used to ensure a completely contamination-free isolation of the colonies. Upon completion of the picking process, the tips are automatically disposed in a special waste box. The use of disposable tips eliminates the time-consuming rinsing between the individual picking steps, thus significantly shortening the picking time.
For the gentle aspiration and dispensing of cells and buffers the semi-solid media module uses a syringe. The module works without any system liquid which makes the process very user friendly and easy to handle. Defined volumes of buffer liquid can be taken up into the tip just before picking.
Key features
- Disposable plastic PrecisionTips
™ with diameters of 500 µm and 1200 µm for cross-contamination free isolation of clones - Controlled media aspiration
- No clogging of nozzles due to exchange of tips between each picking step
- Touch sensor for easy calibration
- Up to 3 racks of 96 disposable plastic tips and 3 destination plates in one walk-away run
Example of before and after colony picking images

Picking of Hybridoma colony out of methylcellulose medium
Semi-solid media picking process
Use of the semi-solid media picking module with various source and destination plates
The semi-solid media picking module can pick colonies from standard microplates or petri dishes up to 100 mm into any type of petri dishes and destination plates (from 6 to 96 well).

Microplates (24 well)

Related applications
- Targeted isolation of antibody producing clones (e.g. Hybridoma, CHO etc.) for cell line development and monoclonal antibody production.
- Isolation of 3D colonies e.g. embryoid bodies, spheroids or organoids for organ formation studies and regenerative medicine.
- Picking of hematopoietic stem cell colonies e.g. as part of colony forming cell assays.
- Isolation of bacteria colonies in biotechnology research.
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